
Factory ten years old workers share bearing cage life longer small coup

by:Waxing     2020-12-08
Factory ten years old workers share bearing cage life longer small coup, bearing smooth 1 problem bearing operation is in inferior position, easy to form adhesive wear and worsen working state of appearance, adhesion wear of the tear things easily into the frame, to stick to produce abnormal load, likely formed adhere to fracture. More than 2, bearing creep phenomenon of creep refers to the ring sliding phenomenon, with the lack of the mating surface interference conditions, due to the sliding direction of the load point around move, produce relative axial ring or shell to circumferential direction location deviation phenomenon. 3, high temperature bearing adhere to abnormal load device does not reach the designated position, tilt, such as easy to form large amount of interference of the clearance is reduced, increasing friction heat production, soften appearance, premature present abnormal spalling, along with the expansion of peeling, flaking foreign body into the frame in the pocket hole, incur insist on running block and generate additional load, intensifying adhere to wear, so worse circulation, they might form adhere to fracture. 4, bearing adhere to material defects cracks, large pieces of different metal inclusions, porosity, bubble and riveting defects of nails, nail mat or two and a half to parting plane gap, serious riveting injury etc are likely to form adhere to fracture. 5, bearing hard foreign invading foreign hard the intrusion of foreign bodies or other impurities things, adhere to the frame of wear. 6, adhere to the damaged the damage is the main reason: insist on the vibration speed through faster, wear and foreign body infarction. 7, stick to wear insist on shelf wear smooth may be due to the lack or abrasive particles provoked. A: on the points for attention during the loading precision bearing next up: the difference between oil and process for bearing oil
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