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Innovation for the mobility of the future


Wxing's product line changes try to adapt to all changes in the market and in particular, to the needs of the top team. 

We focus on three principles: improve product efficiency, increase bearing service life and integrate sensors to measure product performance. 


More efficient bearings

Of each liter of fuel used in a vehicle, 5% is consumed by mechanical losses. One percent of the total is used for the simple operation of standard bearings. Fersa bearings maximize performance through reduced-friction coatings, special geometries and redesign of bearings to withstand greater loads, reducing contact surface or exploring new technologies such as magnetism. 

  • POWER DENSE BEARINGS: these bearings have been specially designed with a smaller size (reducing around 10% of its weight), maintaining durability and reducing friction by 15-20%.

More durable bearings

In terms of increased product life, Fersa is working on two fronts: increasing bearing running time for a given load and increasing the possible load the bearing can support for a given time. For this, Fersa performs thermochemical treatments to the steel thus improving wear as well as specific coatings to delay failure. 

  • COATED BEARINGS: Bearings that incorporate improvements in coatings that prevent steel embrittlement.

  • ULTRAPRO BEARINGS: our latest development triples the life expectancy of a standard bearing. 

More intelligent and connected bearings

We are also working to integrate sensors in our bearings so that we can measure different variables. 

  • MOSS BEARINGS: we incorporate sensors that measure aspects such as temperatures, vibration, humidity, loads or speed, among others, to improve their maintenance.

The future of mobility demands solutions adapted to a sustainable automotive model, such as the electric vehicle. For this reason, at Fersa we have decided to commit to a new range of special bearings. 

  • HYBRID BEARINGS: our bearings incorporate ceramic coatings that adapt to the special needs of this type of vehicle, such as electrical insulation, higher spinning speed and vibration reduction.

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