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Thrust Ball Bearings

Thrust Ball Bearings


      Thrust ball bearings are classified into those with flat seats or aligning seats depending on the shape of the outer ring seat (housing washer). They can sustain axial loads but no radial loads. For Single-Direction Thrust Ball Bearings, pressed steel cages and machined brass cages are usually used The cages in Double- Direction Thrust Ball Bearings are the same as those in Single-Direction Thrust Ball Bearings of the same diameter series.


  1. Available in two designs: single direction and double direction.

  2. To accommodate initial misalignments in an assembly both designs are available with spherical aligning seats or aligning seat washers.

  3. High quality steel-ultra clean steel to extend bearing life by up to 80%.

  4. Advanced Grease Technology — WXING lubricants that can extend grease life and performance.

  5. High Grade Balls — Quiet and smooth operation even at high speed.

  6. Optional seating rings take initial misalignment.

Single-Direction Thrust Ball Bearings

Axial loads in one direction can be sustained.

Double-Direction Thrust Ball Bearings
Axial loads in both directions can be sustained by shaft sleeve.

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