
Prevention of diesel engine bearing burning method - bearing knowledge

by:Waxing     2020-06-09
Early prevention of diesel engine bearing burning method: sliding bearing is more common than bearing to burn, so to prevent sliding bearing early damage is very important. The correct maintenance of the sliding bearing is an effective way to reduce early bearing damage, is also the reliable guarantee for extend bearing life. Therefore, in the daily maintenance and repair of the engine, must pay attention to the bearing surface of the alloy, the back end and the appearance of edge angles in shape, if there is any abnormal or half signs of wear and tear, to seriously investigate the cause, and take appropriate measures to improve the bearing of the working conditions, pay much attention to the prevention of early damage of the sliding bearing. 1, strict diesel engine body main bearing hole alignment and roundness measurement. For the body main bearing hole alignment measurements, must be measured by the engine block size more precise alignment, measuring the crankshaft beat at the same time, by selecting the thickness of the bearing shell, make the oil clearance in the shaft to achieve consistently. All that happened in watts, diesel engine speed, and so on and so forth, before the assembly must be tested to the body main bearing hole alignment, ductile iron crankshaft length is not greater than zero. 14 mm, steel crankshaft length is not greater than zero. 12 mm, at the same time for the body bearing hole of the roundness, cylindricity also have requirements. If it is beyond the limit of disabled, if within the limit, the grinding method ( Namely on the bearing shell are coated with a suitable amount of red lead powder, after loading the crankshaft rotation, and then remove the bearing cover inspection on bearing shell, hard point projection area of scraping and processing, measuring the size of the change, to ensure the reliability of the use. Valve inlet pump repair and assembly of industrial washing machine 2, improve the bearing quality, strict control of connecting rod on the percent of pass. Improve the quality of bearing hinge distribution, to ensure smooth and no spots on the back of the bearing, positioning bumps intact; 3, amount of bounce off itself is 0. 5 ~ 1. 5 mm, this guarantees that after assembly bearing with the aid of its elasticity and bearing hole joint closely; 4, all requirements of the new and old connecting rod measuring the parallelism and the degree of distortion, ban on of unqualified connecting rod; 5, in a bearing seat inside each end of the upper and lower two pieces of bearings shall be higher than that of bearing seat plane 30 ~ 50 mm, higher quantity can ensure torque tighten bearing cap bolts according to regulations after the bearing and the bearing seat close coordination, have enough force of friction self-locking, bearing is not loose, good heat dissipation effect, and prevent bearing ablation and wear; 6, bearing of the working face can't scrape method reached 75% ~ 85% contact pattern as a measure, should be not scraping makes fitting clearance of bearing and shaft neck up to par. 7, in addition, when the assembly should pay attention to check the machining quality of the crankshaft journal and bearing, strictly implement repair process specification and prevent the installation is not straight caused by improper loading method and uneven bearing bolt torque or do not conform to the regulations, resulting in a bending deformation and the stress concentration, lead to early damage of the bearing.
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