
How should the SKF bearing maintenance and maintenance - bearing knowledge

by:Waxing     2020-05-25
SKF bearing lubrication purpose is to reduce the bearing internal friction and the friction losses, prevent burning stick, its lubrication effect is as follows: 1, reduce friction and friction losses in the form of SKF bearing ring, rolling body and touch each other part of the retainer, prevent metal contact, reduce friction and wear and tear. 2, extend the fatigue life of rolling, the fatigue life of SKF bearing, in the rotation, good lubrication performance of the rolling contact surface, are extended. On the contrary, the oil viscosity is low, the thickness of lube film is not good, is shortened. 3, discharge frictional heat and cooling cycle to oil can discharge by friction heat, oil, or from external heat from the cooling. Prevent SKF bearing overheating, prevent aging oil itself. 4, other also has to prevent foreign body into the bearing internal, or to prevent rust and corrosion effect. Lubrication methods: SKF bearing lubrication method, divided into grease lubrication and oil lubrication. In order to make the bearing function well, first of all, to choose suitable for conditions of use, the purpose of lubrication method. If only consider lubrication and oil lubrication. However, grease lubrication can simplify the structure of SKF bearing around specialty, compare the pros and cons of grease lubrication and oil lubrication. For SKF bearing into full play and keep its long-term performance, must earnestly to do regular maintenance ( Regular inspection) 。 Through proper periodic inspection, do early detection of fault, prevent accident arrangement is very important to increase productivity and efficiency. Inspect, clean SKF bearing will be removed, with photography method such as first and then record the appearance. In addition, to confirm the amount of residual lubricant and lubricant sampling, and then wash the SKF bearing. A, bearing cleaning divided into rough washing and fine washing, can be put in use at the bottom of the container and on the metal frame. B, rough washing, oil using a brush to remove grease or adhesive. If at this time in oil rotating SKF bearing, pay attention to the rolling surface due to foreign bodies such as damage. C, fine cleaning, slowly turn the SKF bearing in the oil, must be carefully. Commonly used cleaning agent for neutral aqueous diesel or kerosene, according to the need to sometimes use warm lye, etc. No matter use which kinds of detergent, often should filter clean. After cleaning, immediately on the SKF bearing coating anticorrosive oil or antirust grease. 2, examination and judgment to judge removed SKF bearing can be reused, to inspect the dimension precision, rotating accuracy, internal clearance and mating surface, raceway surface, cage and seal rings etc. About the test results that can be used by SKF bearing or master of SKF bearing. Judgment standard according to the mechanical properties and important degree and inspection cycle. If you have the following injury, SKF bearing shall not be used again, must be replaced. A, fracture and defect of bearing parts. B, raceway surface rolling strip below.
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