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Self-aligning Ball Bearings11208 TN9

Self-aligning Ball Bearings11208 TN9


Features and benefits

  • Accommodate static and dynamic misalignment
    The bearings are self-aligning like spherical roller bearings or CARB bearings.

  • Excellent high-speed performance
    Self-aligning ball bearings generate less friction than any other type of rolling bearing, which enables them to run cooler even at high speeds.

  • Minimum maintenance
    Because of low heat generation, the bearing temperature is lower, leading to extended bearing life and maintenance intervals.

  • Low friction
    Very loose conformity between balls and outer ring keeps friction and frictional heat at low levels.

  • Excellent light load performance
    Self-aligning ball bearings have low minimum load requirements.

  • Low noise
    Self-aligning ball bearings can reduce noise and vibration levels, for example, in fans.

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